
My dear parishioners,

It has been a great honor and privilege to serve the St. Sebastian parish as an assistant to the Parish Priest for these past four years. Together, I  have celebrated the sacraments, shared in the joys and sorrows of life, and grown in  faith. I am  truly grateful for the opportunity I had to have ministered among you.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your steadfast faith, your generous service, and your warm welcome. You have supported me, encouraged me, and prayed for me, and I deeply appreciate. I am deeply indebted to our Parish Priest, Fr. Andrew Pereira, for the support extended to me during these past four years in this Parish. Thanks to all the members of different groups and associations of this Parish and all the church staff for your unending support.

I will treasure the memories of our time together in my heart. Please know that you will remain in my prayers and I ask that you continue to pray for me as well. May God bless this parish community through the intercession of our patron St. Sebastian and may the Lord’s presence continue to be felt here.

Thank you, and May the Lord be with you always.

Fr. Leslie Gomes (Asst. to the Parish Priest)